Hello, I am Tun Aung (Toby) Thaung.

Welcome to my portfolio website! I'm a passionate Full Stack Developer with a love for crafting web experiences that are both beautiful and functional.


B.S. in Applied Computer Science with a focus in Artificial Intelligence

September 2018 - June 2023

Professional Experiences

EECS Special Project Assistant, Oregon State University, OR

8/2023 - Present

  • Develop a comprehensive notebook website designed to enhance study strategies and evaluate student performances for corrective measures in a cross-functional team of 6
  • Play a key role in the software engineering aspects of this project, including the design of software architecture and data services to meet modern standards of reproducible research
  • Hands-on experience in deploying Express and Flask servers on AWS EC2 instances and building scalable databases using AWS RDS
  • Collaborate with professors to design software architecture and data services to ensure they meet modern standards of reproducible research
  • Tools: JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, Node.js, OpenAI API, GoogleAPI, Express, Flask, Ubuntu, AWS EC2, AWS RDS, Git

Software Engineer Intern, Mudita Hospital, Myanmar

1/2023 - 6/2023

  • Designed data test cases in Python and integrated continuous integration (Node.js Git Workflow) within the main codebase for medicine database management software which will be used for the hospital's pharmacy store
  • Undertook the task of researching and developing client-side and server-side architecture for a relational MySQL database for 1000+ different medicines
  • Regularly participated in meetings with the head of finance, stakeholders, and fellow engineers, I actively contributed to clarifying software requirements, aligning with business objectives, and addressing technical constraints
  • Tools: Python, JavaScript, Node.js, Docker

Undergraduate Learning Assitant, Oregon State University, OR

1/2023 - 6/2023

  • Managed studios with up to 25 students, taking a leadership role in guiding their learning experiences. I conducted fundamental programming lessons focused on Python for introductory Computer Science classes.
  • Provided mentorship and guidance to over 100 students, offering invaluable assistance during office hours. This included helping students debug code, conducting code reviews, and providing constructive feedback to improve code organization and readability.

Contact Toby!

You can contact me via tobythaung@gmail.com to discuss about anything.